Checking the Status of Your Reimbursement Request Examples

Below are a few statuses you may see for your reimbursement requests.

Activity Details Examples


The Activity Details and Activity Timeline show the expense has been paid. The Activity Timeline also provides the expected payment date.


Not Approved

If the request wasn't approved, select the Resolve link. There's information about what's needed to process the request. Read Resolving Not Approved Reimbursements to learn more.


Hold - Bank Account Required

The Activity Timeline explains the hold reason.


Hold - Exhausted Account Balance

The Activity Details and Activity Timeline explain the expense wasn't paid because there's no available balance.


Hold - Minimum Payment Threshold

Payments are held until a minimum threshold amount is met. For direct deposit, the minimum is $1. For checks, the minimum is $25. 



Paying Medicare Part A and Part B Premiums


Appealing Your Funding Eligibility, Qualification, or Contribution Amount