Medicare Premium Reimbursement - One-Time Reimbursement

One-Time Reimbursement

One-Time reimbursement requests for premium expenses should be used in limited situations when:

  • You paid in advance for future premiums, like:

    • A Medicare Part B quarterly premium

    • A medical insurance annual premium

  • You want to be reimbursed for premiums paid under COBRA

Your Reimbursement Guide provides more details on reimbursable expenses.

Submit your reimbursement requests on the Via Benefits Accounts mobile app or on the website. They're the fastest and most secure ways to have your reimbursements processed. Using a Reimbursement Request Form may take as much as 10 days longer for us to receive and process your request.

Read Documentation Requirements for Reimbursement to learn about the documentation you must submit with your premium reimbursement request.

For One-Time COBRA premiums, you can submit your COBRA Premium Statement showing insurance details and covered participants.

Don't forget to submit proof the premium has been paid, as well. Please read Paying Medicare Part A and Part B Premiums for details on how to pay.


Funding Overpayment Process


Medicare Premium Reimbursement - Recurring Premium Reimbursement