Signing up for Text Alerts on the Website

There is a Receive Text Alerts message on the Dashboard if you haven't signed up for text alerts. When you sign up for text alerts, we send you text messages when activities occur in your reimbursement account, such as changes made to your account or status changes for expense reimbursement processing and payment. Not signing up for text alerts doesn't prevent you from using your account.

To sign up for text alerts on the website, follow these steps:

Note: Some information may be cut off if you set your browser to 125% zoom or higher. We recommend using 100% zoom and expanding your browser.

  1. Sign into Via Benefits.

  2. Select View Accounts in the Funds and Reimbursements section.

  3. Select Visit the Reimbursement Center for the desired account on the Request Reimbursement and Manage Funds tab.

  4. On the Dashboard, select Sign Up For Text Alerts.

  5. On the Profile page, provide the Mobile Text Number where we can send the alerts.

  6. Agree to the Terms and Conditions.

  7. Select Send Verification Code. You're sent an activation code via text message.

  8. When you receive the code, enter it in the Activation Code field and select Activate.

You're now set up to receive text alerts!

Note: Changing your mobile number doesn't change the phone number on your Via Benefits Profile page.

How Text Alerts Impact the Notifications You Receive

Text alerts provide an additional notification about the communications we send you:

  • If your standard account notification preference is email, and you don't sign up for text alerts, you get an email notifying you of account activities or actions.

  • If your standard account notification preference is email, and you sign up for text alerts, you get an email and a text alert notifying you of account activities or actions.

  • If your standard account notification is paper, and you don't sign up for text alerts, you get the paper document in the mail.**

  • If your standard account notification is paper, and you sign up for text alerts, you get a text alert and the paper document in the mail.**

**Some notifications are sent via email even when you select paper notifications. For example, if you have active direct deposit and an email address on file, you're sent an email notification when you have an Explanation of Payment (EOP) available. A paper Explanation of Unpaid Expenses (EOUE) is sent when expenses on your reimbursement request were denied or not approved.

*Via Benefits reimbursement accounts are administered by Extend Health, LLC.


Your Reimbursement Account Statements (EOUEs and EOPs)


Update Your Reimbursement Notification Settings