Changing Your Phone Number
You have a contact phone number and a sign-in phone number with Via Benefits. We use your contact phone number to call you about such things as your enrollment or reimbursement account. Your sign-in phone number is used to verify your information when signing into Via Benefits. This step helps protect your information. Changing your sign-in phone number doesn't change the phone number we use to contact you. Your contact phone number can be the same as or different from your sign-in phone number.
Changing Your Sign-In Phone Number
To change your sign-in phone number, complete the following steps:
2. Select Sign-In Settings from the drop-down list under your name.
3. Select Change your phone number.
4. Select +Add or Change if you have provided one phone number. If you have provided two phone numbers, you're given the option to Change or Remove a phone number.
+Add allows you to add a phone number, which may be useful if your primary phone number isn't available or you'd like to give a family member or authorized representative access to your Via Benefits Profile.
Change allows you to change an existing phone number.
Remove allows you to remove a phone number if you have two existing phone numbers. You must have one sign-in phone number on file. You can't remove a phone number if you have only provided one.
Note: Having two sign-in phone numbers is recommended by Via Benefits.
5. A verification code is sent to your email address.
6. Enter the code on your computer or mobile device, select Next.
7. On the Add or Change Phone Number page, enter your Password and select Next.
If you chose to remove your phone number, the phone number has been removed and you are taken to your Home page.
If you chose to add or change a phone number, enter your new phone number.
8. You'll be prompted to select Text Me or Call Me to complete the verification process.
If you select Text Me, a code will be sent to your mobile phone to enter on your computer or mobile device.
Note: If you don’t get the code, you can choose to have the code resent, Get a Call Instead, or Chat with Technical Support.
If you select Call Me, you'll receive a phone call, follow the prompt to proceed. You'll be taken to your Home page.
Note: If you don’t get the call, you can choose to get another call, Get a Text Instead, or Chat with Technical Support.
If you'd like more information, read Additional Security Steps.
9. If you selected Text Me, enter the code on your computer or mobile device and select Next. You will be taken to your Home page.
Changing Your Contact Phone Number
By providing your contact phone number, you agree that we can communicate with you at your listed phone number. Make sure this information is always current.
To change your contact phone number, complete the following steps:
2. Select Go to Profile on the Home page.
3. Select the icon of the person whose phone number you wish to change.
4. On the Personal Information tab, scroll to the Contact Information section of the page.
5. Enter your Contact Phone and select the phone Type, then select Save.
Your contact phone number is now updated.