Medicare Premium Reimbursement - Recurring Premium Reimbursement

You may be able to use Recurring Premium Reimbursement if Automatic Premium Reimbursement isn't available for your selected plan. If your former employer or benefits provider allows it, Recurring Premium Reimbursement can be established for eligible premiums, paid to any insurance carrier, as well as Medicare Part B premiums. 

Note: Don’t submit a reimbursement request for plans with active Automatic Premium Reimbursement.

You only need to request reimbursement once per year for each health plan premium you'd like reimbursed unless your premium changes. Submit your reimbursement requests on the Via Benefits Accounts mobile app or on the website. They're the fastest and most secure ways to have your reimbursements processed. You can also use a Reimbursement Request Form; however, it may take as much as 10 days longer for us to receive and process your request.

After we process your request, we begin sending you regular premium reimbursements at the beginning of each month for the remainder of the calendar year. If any previous months were included in your request, you're reimbursed for those months in a lump sum.

If your employer doesn't allow Recurring Premium Reimbursement, each month you need to submit a reimbursement request, along with proof of payment.

You need to submit a new Recurring Premium Reimbursement request each time your plan renews, which is typically 12 months after the plan went into effect. You also need to submit a new request if your premium changes during the year, even if you have the same plan.

Read Documentation Requirements for Reimbursement to learn about the documentation you must submit with your premium reimbursement request.


Medicare Premium Reimbursement - One-Time Reimbursement


Medicare Premium Reimbursement - Express Reimbursement