Medigap Changes to Plan F and Plan C

Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) Plan F and Plan C are no longer available for newly eligible beneficiaries beginning in 2020. If you become eligible for Medicare on or after January 1, 2020, a federal law prevents you from purchasing either a Medigap Plan C or Plan F. The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA), passed by the U.S. Congress, states that on or after January 1, 2020, a Medigap policy that provides coverage of the Part B deductible may not be sold or issued to a newly eligible Medicare beneficiary. Because Plan F and Plan C cover that Part B deductible, they’re being phased out.

If you already have Plan C or Plan F prior to 2020, you can keep your plan as long as you want. If you became eligible for Medicare prior to 2020 and don't have either plan, you may be able to buy one or the other after the law goes into effect if they’re available where you live.

If you select, or are currently enrolled in, a Medigap Plan C or Plan F today and want to change plans later, you may do so during the following periods:

  • You may be able to change to another Medigap plan at any time, but depending on where you live, the insurance carrier, and your situation, you may have to undergo medical underwriting.

  • You can enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan using a valid enrollment period or during the Medicare Open Enrollment Period (OEP), October 15 through December 7 each year. You can't have both a Medigap and a Medicare Advantage plan at the same time.

To compare Medigap policy benefits, read Choosing Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap).


Medicare Eligibility if You Have a Disability, ALS, or ESRD


Enrolling in an Individual and Family Plan by Phone