Uploading Legal and Account Documents via the Mobile App

To upload legal and account documents using the mobile app, complete the following steps:

1. Select Legal and Account Documents.


2. Select Upload.

Note: You can see the documents you have previously uploaded.


3. Select Upload under Legal or Account Documents.

Note: Select Supporting Document for a Reimbursement if you'd like to submit a reimbursement request.


If you have Expenses Needing Attention, you'll be given the opportunity to Upload Supporting Documentation.


4. You will get a warning message stating to upload legal or account documents only. Select Continue.

Note: Reimbursements requested here will be denied.


5. Select the Document Type, select Done.


6. Select Upload Document.

Note: The acceptable file formats are PDF, GIF, JPG, TIF, TIFF, JPEG, BMP, and PMG. The maximum upload file size is 5 MB.

7. Upload the document by using you camera, browsing you photos or selecting a file.

Note: If the document format isn't acceptable or the file upload size is above the maximum, you'll get an error message.

Camera: Allows you to take a photo with your camera
Photos: Allows you to use a photo from your photo library
Select File(s): Allows you to browse for a file


8. Select Submit. You'll receive a You're All Set! message.

9. Select OK, Got It or Upload Another Document.

10. You will get notified your document has been received. Depending on your notification preferences, you will get an email or a push notification on the mobile app.


Uploading Legal and Account Documents via the Website


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